Wednesday 14 September 2011


There is nothing quite so infuriating as a smug horse.

We got the whiplash tailend of Hurricane Katia, which came from nowhere out of a cloudless blue sky. I had just finished laying the Ed bed, stringing haynets, filling his snackball and putting down fresh water for morning. Vicki had barely left the yard to do some work with Ed when shavings started whirling around the stable - and the rain came! It blew horizontally across the yard, and in the few seconds it took me to close the door I was soaked through. Vicki and Eddie reappeared on the yard - Ed sixteen hands and bouncing on the spot, and the only course of action was for the three of us to take shelter in the stable.

Ed was delighted, as he wolfed down tomorrow's breakfast, emptied his snackball and laid into fresh haylage all over again, while we shivered in wet clothes and glumly watched the rain coursing off the gutters outside. He got away without doing any work either, as by the time the weather abated we just threw him out for the night with a full belly and went squelching home.

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